Ragnhild Ivarsdottir
Birth place: Gillings Hame, Caent
Born: 838AD
Ragnhild is the wife of Ivar Edricson landowner and lawspeaker of Willow Crossing in the wapentakes of Sealhford.
Her first husband was Guthrum Erikson, who she met when living in Caent. He was killed while running away from a fight that he had started. Some say it was poetic justice.
After selling their property in Caent, she moved north to be near her mother’s kin. Here she met Ivar. Eventually they married and settled nearby.
Raghild is a huswyf. That means she is in charge of everything in the house. She also runs a couple of businesses, one of them raising poultry. She has outlived her children but has many sister-sons and daughters. Her life is quiet except for the times when her lord calls her away to live in a tent and talk with strangely-attired people.
Ivar never seems to be available for these adventures – he always has something else to do.